THANK YOU to all of our donors. We are truly grateful for your contribution.
Featured below are active awards that have been established though philanthropic support from individuals, foundations, organizations and corporations to support education and research.
Graduate Awards/Scholarships/Fellowships
Banting & Best Diabetes Center – Tamarack Graduate Award in Diabetes Research
Barbara McLaren Award
Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Scholarship
Dr. Lillian Thompson Seminar Award
Edith Cosens Endowment Fund
Grace Weymark Morgan Award
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada - Research Fellowship
Heather Milne Neilson Award
Household Sciences and Nutritional Sciences Alumni Association Travel Award
Mary H. Beatty Fellowship
Michael Archer Award
Kidney Foundation Allied Health Scholarship
McNeil Nutrition Fellowship – American Society for Nutrition
OTSS-Nora Martin Fellowship in Nutritional Sciences