Who We Are

Chuck Chen

Chuck Chen


Chuck’s Story: As one of the founding members of DNSAA, I am deeply proud of the work that this organization has done over the years to bridge the connections between alumni, faculty and students. Our team continues to foster and engage alumni from all generations to create a stronger community at the Department of Nutritional Sciences.

Favourite UofT MemoryMaking rounds in the department to discuss science with my friends in different labs. The amicable environment and fascinating characters in the DNS were what made me fall in love with Nutrition research.

Dr. Fiona Wallace

Fiona Anne Wallace


Fiona’s Story: I have been involved in various capacities with the DNSAA for 15 years and helped to get the mentorship program initially started with the Office of Advancement. I served as president (2012-2015, and 2021-2023) past president, member at large and secretary. I currently serve as secretary on the DNSAA. 

Favourite UofT Memory: My favorite UofT memory is participating in the Hart House Finnish Exchange in 1993, where a team of 8 students went on a work exchange for the Summer. It was a lot of fun with midnight sun! 

Ashleigh Wiggins

Ashleigh Wiggins

Mentorship Program Coordinator

Ashleigh's story: Ashleigh has served on the DNSAA board since 2014, holding positions of President, Communications Liaison, and Member-at-Large. In addition to volunteering with the DNSAA, Ashleigh loves playing a variety of sports, listening to podcasts and playing her ukulele. Since graduating from UofT, Ashleigh managed the Program in Food Safety, Nutrition and Regulatory Affairs, and currently works in the Bureau of Nutritional Sciences at Health Canada.

UofT Memory: Grabbing post-seminar drinks every Thursday with the amazing UofT Nutrition folks.

Shirin Panahi

Shirin Panahi

Alumni Relations Coordinator

Shirin’s Story: Shirin joined the DNSAA Executive Team in 2023 and has contributed as a mentor in its mentorship program since then. Shirin completed her MSc and PhD in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and is currently the Scientific Director of the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS). Shirin enjoys sports, traveling, adventure, and the outdoors and is the host of the CNS podcast, Nutrition Conversations.

Favourite UofT Memory: Studying at Robarts (10th floor) and Gerstein libraries during BSc with friends, St. Michael's Hospital (MSc), and FitzGerald Building and studies in experimental kitchen (PhD) - plus more!

Photo of Katherine Pullella

Katherine Pullella

Pillar Sponsorship Coordinator

Katie's story: Katie joined the DNSAA Executive team in 2020 as a Communications Liaison. In this role, Katie updates the DNSAA website, oversees the Pillar Sponsorship funds and assists with a variety of alumni association activities. Since graduation, Katie works as a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health.

UofT Memory: Pre-seminar coffee chats with DNS friends!

Chelsea Murray

Chelsea Murray

Member at Large

Chelseas's Story: Chelsea has been part of the DNSAA Mentorship Program since 2015, where she has been both a mentee and a mentor. She joined the DNSAA in 2017. She currently works as a Senior Policy and Program Advisor in the Ministry of Health. Outside of work, Chelsea enjoys taking dance class, swimming, and travelling.

UofT Memory: Living in the Graduate House residence with students from all over the world

Songhee Back

Songhee Back

NSGSA President (Graduate Student Rep)

Songhee's Story: Songhee is an MSc student under the supervision of Dr. Laura Chiavaroli and serves as the President of the Nutritional Sciences Graduate Student Association (NSGSA). She is excited to host a variety of events, from the holiday party to community outreach initiatives, to foster a sense of connection among the graduate students. Outside the lab, she enjoys discovering new restaurants and going on spontaneous adventures.

UofT Memory: A girls’ trip with my lab friends to Copenhagen before attending a diabetes conference in Sweden (the shrimp gate!).

Evita Jiang

Evita Jiang

NSSA Co-President (Undergraduate Student Rep)

Evita’s Story: I am a third-year student in the DNS. I serve as one of the co-presidents of the Undergraduate Nutritional Sciences Students Association (NSSA). Currently, I am working in the El-Sohemy Lab on a project focused on premenstrual symptoms and serotonin receptors within the context of nutrigenomics.

Sharly Das

Sharly Das

NSSA Co-President (Undergraduate Student Rep)

Sharly's Story: I am a 4th-year student specializing in Global Health and Nutritional Science at the University of Toronto. Currently, I serve as the Co-President of the Nutritional Science Student Association. I have previously interned at Roche and am now completing a co-op placement at Janssen Pharmaceuticals. I am very passionate about healthcare and look forward to pursuing a career in the health sector after graduation.