Graduate Courses
MSc & PhD Degree Program – Graduate Courses
Master of Science (MSc) – Course requirements:
Students will attend and participate in NFS1204Y, Master's Seminars in Nutritional Sciences, throughout their period of full-time registration and will complete a minimum of two half courses.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Course requirements:
Students will attend and participate in NFS1304Y, Doctoral Seminars in Nutritional Sciences. In addition, students entering with an MSc degree will complete a minimum of four half courses; those who reclassify from the MSc program or enter with a bachelor's degree will complete a minimum of six half courses.
All of the courses listed may not be offered every year. A full School of Graduate Studies Calendar listing graduate courses is available at the School of Graduate Studies or may be obtained for a small fee in advance through the Student Services Office.
F - Designates a half course offered in the fall term
S - Designates a half course offered in the spring term
H - Designates a half course that may extend throughout both terms
Y - Designates a full course that is presented throughout both terms
NFS1201H F - Public Health Nutrition
This lecture-discussion course focuses on food and nutrition problems in the setting of the general community. The course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of theoretical and practical issues underpinning population-level assessment in nutrition and an appreciation of nutrition within the broader context of public health or 'population health'. Specific topics include the derivation and application of nutrient requirement estimates and nutrition recommendations, the measurement of food intake and food insecurity, and the development of individual- vs. population-based intervention strategies.
Prerequisite: Prior specialized knowledge in nutrition; basic statistics.
NFS1204Y - Master's Seminars in Nutritional Sciences
Seminar Presentation Schedule 2024-2025.pdf (subject to occasional changes)
NFS1304Y - Doctoral Seminars in Nutritional Sciences
Seminar Presentation Schedule 2024-2025.pdf (subject to occasional changes)
A weekly program of introductory lectures followed by seminars given by students in our Department, for all graduate students registered in this Department only. (In addition, seminars given by staff and visiting professors are offered throughout the year.) All graduate students must participate. Reported on a Pass or Fail basis.
NFS1212H F - Regulation of Food Composition, Health Claims and Safety
The Canadian food industry is producing new foods and food ingredients in response to consumer demand and lifestyle, new crops that offer advantages over traditional crops (e.g., improved resilience against pathogens or environmental stressors or enhanced nutritional attributes), and functional foods for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease. The goal of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the regulatory frameworks that are in place to ensure a safe food supply and to ensure communications made in food labeling and advertising are not deceptive. Through a series of guests lectures from individuals in government, industry, and academia, students will be exposed to several aspects of scientific and regulatory affairs and will have a unique opportunity to interact and discuss topics with experts in a variety of fields. Students will be exposed to such topics as the structure and application of the Canadian Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, health claim and labelling requirements, study design and standards of evidence for regulatory submissions, and the roles of government, industry and academia in controlling food products in Canada and internationally. This course is an excellent opportunity for students to form networks with current subject matter experts, and to gain exposure to career opportunities in industry, government and academia.
NFS1218H S - Recent Advances in Nutritional Sciences I
The objective of this course is to provide students with an opportunity for in-depth consideration of areas of public health nutrition which are of particular significance but are not covered adequately in other courses. The topics may change from year to year.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department. Enrolment is limited.
NFS1220H S - Clinical Nutrition
This course is concerned with the nutritional component of various clinical topics dealing both with normal physiological states such as pregnancy, growth and development and aging, and with disease states such as are encountered in the clinical setting. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship between the concepts in nutritional/biological sciences and clinical medicine.
NFS1224H S - Nutritional Epidemiology
The overall objective of this course will be to provide students with a critical understanding of theoretical and practical considerations in the conduct of epidemiologic research related to nutrition. The focus will be on studies of the role of diet and nutrition inchronic disease (as opposed to food-borne infectious disease outbreaks and associated issues). The material will have a strong methodological emphasis, and is intended for graduate students with an interest in understanding how epidemiologic studies of diet and chronic disease are conducted. Specifically, students will be expected to gain a critical understanding of the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of nutritional epidemiologic studies, including the usual methods applied for assessment of this exposure, familiarity with methodological issues related to nutritional epidemiologic studies such as the appropriateness of various study designs for specific research questions, and issues regarding data analysis and interpretation.
NFS1226H S – Nutrition and Cancer
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an overview of the role of nutrition in the etiology of cancer development. Introductory lectures will provide a background to the scientific principles of cancer development (i.e., mechanisms of carcinogenesis, pathology) as well as an overview of study designs for conducting research programs of diet and cancer (i.e., animal models, epidemiologic studies, use of biomarkers). This will be followed by a series of lectures and discussion sessions on the role that foods and specific components of foods play in the development and progression of cancer at specific sites, including the colon, breast, and prostate. There will also be a chance for the graduate students to present the background of their proposed grant topic and to receive feedback from the group. The course will conclude with lectures on epigenetics and conducting studies of diet and cancer in high-risk populations.
NFS1301H - Directed Reading in Nutritional Sciences
A program of directed readings under the supervision of a staff member associated with and interested in the particular topic. This course is available only on a very selective basis, with consent of the staff member to be involved and the Department.
NFS1484H F - Advanced Nutrition
Physiological and biochemical features of intermediary metabolism will be discussed as determinants of nutrient needs. The roles of various nutrients in determining the development and adaptability of the whole body, organs and cells will be addressed. The course will provide an introduction to the interpretation of research data.
*Contents of syllabus/outline are subject to change.