Although much of the research from this department has directly impacted food and nutrition policy, this is a core focus of several faculty members. Specifically, these research programs aim to generate research that can be used for evidence-based public health nutrition policy development and implementation. Examples of research activities in this area include (but are not limited to):
Dr. Harvey Anderson, Professor
Dr. JoAnne Arcand, Associate Professor (Status Only)
Dr. Catherine Birken, Professor (Status Only)
Ms. Beatrice Boucher, Assistant Professor (Status Only)
Dr. Anthony Hanley, Professor
Dr. Erin Hobin, Assistant Professor (Status Only)
Dr. Mary L'Abbe, Professor
Dr. Marie-Eve Labonte, Assistant Professor (Status Only)
Dr. Jonathon Maguire, Professor (Status Only)
Dr. Vasanti Malik, Assistant Professor
Dr. Kathy Musa-Veloso, Adjunct Professor
Dr. Monique Potvin Kent, Associate Professor (Status Only)
Dr. Daniel Sellen, Professor
Dr. John Sievenpiper, Associate Professor
Dr. Valerie Tarasuk, Professor