Professor — Status Only

Zdenka Pausova

Department of Nutritional Sciences


Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 1X8
Appointment Status

Research Synopsis

The research in the Pausova lab is focused on early stages and trans-generational trajectories of common cardio-metabolic and brain diseases. It is guided by the following biomedical considerations: (1) many common cardio-metabolic and brain disease originate in utero; (2) they involve interactions between adverse environments and vulnerability genes; (3) many of these diseases emerge during adolescence and become established during middle-aged adulthood; and (4) most of them are multi-systemic, affecting both the brain and body.

The main research interests are:

Visceral adiposity and its links to cardiometabolic health, brain structure and cognition
Eating behavior, addiction and the adolescent brain
Genetic and environmental factors modulating DNA methylome