This is a limited enrolment program. Students must have completed the required first year courses and meet the requirements outlined below to enroll.
A minimum grade average of 70% in these required courses or their equivalents and a final mark of at least 60% in each course is required to enroll.
Eight full courses (or their equivalent) are required in the program. Students should check the Arts & Science Calendar for course descriptions and pre- and co-requisites and exclusions. See Arts and Science Calendar for regulations applying to Breadth Requirements/Distribution Requirements).
Y = full course, H = half course.
First Year (2 FCE) BIO120H1, 130H1 or 150Y1 Organisms in their Environment |
Second year (2 FCE) BCH 210H1 Introductory Biochemistry |
Third Year (2.5 FCE) Required: One of: Any two (2) of: NFS 301H1 Nutrition Literacy: Sorting Science from Snake Oil |
Fourth Year (3 NFS required courses) NFS 400H1 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals in Human Nutrition |
Faculty of Art's and Science Timetable
For information (e.g., course description and prerequisites, enrolment info, course location and instructor) on all Nutritional Sciences Courses offered, search NFS in the timetable tool and for information on a specific course search the course code: e.g., NFS284, NFS488, etc.